symaccess commands

The symaccess command performs Auto-provisioning Group operations on storage, initiator, and port groups. It will also be used to create and manage masking views.

Below list contains some of the most useful symaccess command examples.

  • symaccess -sid 1234 -f MyBackup.txt backup

    Creates a file MyBackup containing all the group and view information currently on the Symmetrix array 1234
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -f MyBackup.txt restore

    Restores all the group
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -f Total_views backup

    This command will backup all the Masking Views information for array 1234 to file Total_views.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -f Total_views restore

    This command will restore all Masking view information for Vmax Array 1234 from file Total_views , which is earlier created by "backup" option.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -file Views_Groups_1234.txt backup

    Backup all the view and group information currently on VMAX 1234 to the file Views_Groups_1234.txt.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -file Views_Groups_1234.txt list

    List all the Group(storage,port,initiator) information from the backup file "Views_Groups_1234.txt".
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -file Views_Groups_1234.txt list view

    List all the views from the backup file "Views_Groups_1234.txt".
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -file Views_Groups_1234.txt restore

    Restores all the groups, views, and security informations from the previously(created using backup option) file.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -name IG_Servers -type initiator -ig IG_Server_A remove

    Remove Initiator Group 'IG_Server_A' from parent Initiator Group 'IG_Servers'
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -name IG_Server_A -type initiator -wwn 1000000000000001 remove

    Remove HBA WWN 1000000000000001 from Initiator Group IG_Server_A
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -name PG_1_2_15_16_E0_Group -type port -dirport 1e:0,16e:0 remove

    Remove ports 1e:0 and 16e:0 from port group 'PG_1_2_15_16_E0_Group'.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -name PG_1_2_15_16_E0_Group -type port -dirport 1e:0,16e:0 remove -unmap

    Remove ports 1e:0 and 16e:0 from port group 'PG_1_2_15_16_E0_Group'.The '-unmap' option also unmap(from 1e:0 and 16:e0) the devices on all related Storage Groups associated with port group 'PG_1_2_15_16_E0_Group'.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type initiator -name Host1 add -wwn 1000000000000002

    Add another HBA WWN to the existing Initiator group(IG) "Host1".
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type initiator -name Host1 create -consistent_lun

    Create the Initiator Group Host1 and enable the LUN id consistency at the same time.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type initiator -name Host1 create -wwn 1000000000000001

    Creates and initiator group called Host1 by adding the specified wwn
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type initiator -name Host1 rename -new_name Host2

    Rename the Initiator Gorup Host1 as Host2
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type initiator -name Host1 set consistent_lun on

    Enable the LUN id consistency on an existing IG.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type initiator -name Host1_Host2_IG add -ig Host2_IG

    Add a child Initiator Group(Host2_IG) to the parent Initiator Group(Host1_Host2_IG).
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type port -name 3E0_4E0_13E0_14E0 -dirport 3e:0,4e:0,13e:0,14e:0 create

    Create the portgroup E0_4E0_13E0_14E0 with specified ports
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type port -name 3E0_4E0_13E0_14E0 rename -new_name 3E1_4E1_13E1_14E1

    Rename the Port Gorup 3E0_4E0_13E0_14E0 as 3E1_4E1_13E1_14E1
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type port -name MyPorts add -dirport 6e:0

    Add an aditional port 6e:0 to the existing port group(PG) "MyPorts".
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name Host1 add devs AAA:AAB

    Add the devices AAA:AAB to storage group Host1.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name Host1 add devs AAA:AAB -celerra

    Add the Celerra devices AAA:AAB to storage group Host1.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name Host1 create devs AAA:AAB

    Create the storage group Host1 with specified range of devices
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name Host1 remove devs AAA:AAB

    Remove the device AAA to AAB from storage group Host1
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name Host1 remove devs AAA:AAB -unmap

    Remove the device AAA to AAB from storage group Host1 and also unmap from the FAs. Do not use -unmap option if we want to keep the devices mapped to the front end ports. These devices need be unmapped manually later using symconfigure command.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name Host1 remove devs AAA:AAB -unmap -celerra

    Remove the celerra device AAA to AAB from storage group Host1 and also unmap from the FAs
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name Host1 rename -new_name Host2

    Rename the Storage Gorup Host1 as Host2
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name ParentSG add sg ChildSG1,ChildSG2

    Add the existing child storage groups ChildSG1 and ChildSG2 to the parent Storage Group ParentSG
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name ParentSG create sg ChildSG1,ChildSG2

    Create a new parent Storage Group called ParentSG and add the existing child storage groups ChildSG1 and ChildSG2 to it.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -type storage -name ParentSG remove sg ChildSG1,ChildSG2

    Remove the child storage groups ChildSG1 and ChildSG2 from the parent Storage Group ParentSG
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -wwn 1000000000000001 rename -alias Host1/HBA01

    Create/Rename Node Name(Host1) and Portname(HBA01) in Access-logix database for given WWN.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 -wwn 1000000000000001 replace -new_wwn 1000000000000002

    Replace all occurance of wwn 1000000000000001 with 1000000000000002 in array 1234
  • symaccess -sid 1234 create view -name Host1_Allocation -sg Host1 -pg 3E0_4E0_13E0_14E0 -ig Host1

    Create a masking view combined with specified groups
  • symaccess -sid 1234 delete -name MyInitiator -type init

    Delete/Remove an empty initiator group.The "-force" must be used if the initiator group(IG) is not empty.We can't delete IG if it is part of a Masking View.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 delete -name MyPortGroup -type port

    Delete/Remove an empty port group.The "-force" must be used if the port group(PG) is not empty.We can't delete PG if it is part of any Masking View.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 delete -name MyStorageGroup -type storage

    Delete/Remove an empty storage group.The "-force" must be used if the storage group(SG) is not empty.We can't delete SG if it is part of a Masking View.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 delete view -name Host1_Allocation

    Delete view Host1_Allocation.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 delete view -name Host1_Allocation -unmap

    Delete view Host1_Allocation and also unmap all the device in associated storage group.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list

    List all Initiator, Port and Storage Groups Created for Array 1234
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -name MyGroup

    List all groups named MyGroup
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -name MyGroup -v

    List all groups named MyGroup and also shows the related Masking Views
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type init -name MyIG

    Find the number of child initiators in IG MyIG and number of associated Masking Views.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type init -name MyIG -v

    Find the number of child Initiator Groups in IG MyIG and also shows the associated Masking View.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type initiator

    List all Initiator Groups Created for Array 1234
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type initiator -wwn 1000000000000001

    Check whether the HBA WWN 1000000000000001 is a member of any Initiator Group.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type port

    List all Port Groups Created for Array 1234
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type port -dirport 1d:04

    List all the port groups in which FA port 1d:04 is a member.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type port -dirport 1d:04 -detail

    List all the port groups in which FA port 1d:04 is a member. It will also shows the port counts in each port group and the number of masking views for each port group.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type port -dirport 1d:04 -v

    List all the port groups and masking views in which FA port 1d:04 is a member. It will also shows the port counts in each port group and the number of masking views for each port group.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type port -name MyPG

    Find the number of ports in Port Group MyPG and numbers of associated Masking views.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type port -name MyPG -v

    Find the number of ports in Port Group MyPG and also shows the associated Masking Views.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type storage

    List all Storage Groups Created for Array 1234
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type storage -dev AAA

    Check whether the device AAA is part of of any Storage Groups.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type storage -name MySg

    Find the number of devices in storage Group MySg and number of associated Masking Views.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -type storage -name MySg -v

    Find the number of devices in storage group MySg and also shows the associated Masking View
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list -v

    List all Initiator,Port and Storage Groups Created for Array 1234 along with related Masking Views
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list assignment -dev 9A0:9AF

    Shows the masking details of devices from 9A0 to 9AF
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list devinfo -ig MyInitiator

    List the details of devices assigned to the initiatorgroup MyInitiator
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list logins -dirport 12f:1

    List WWPNs logged in to FA port 12f:1
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list logins -wwn 1000000000000001

    Check whether wwn 1000000000000001 logged in to any of the FAs on array 1234.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list logins -wwn 1000000000000001 -v

    Check whether wwn 1000000000000001 logged in to any of the FAs on array 1234."-v" options also provides the time of login change. This is helpful if the wwpn not logged in now on the FAs , but want to know when its got disconnected.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list no_assignments -dirport 12f:1

    Shows the devices are mapped to 12f:1 but not part of any masking view.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list view

    List masking views Created for Array 1234 with related groups details
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list view -name Host1_Allocation -detail

    Provides detailed infomation about the masking view .This output is same as 'symmaccess show view'.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 list view -name Host1_Allocation -v

    This command shows more readable information about the associated Storage Group,Initiator Groups and Port Groups.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 remove -login -wwn 1000000000000001

    Completely remove the wwn 1000000000000001 from the login history table of vmax 1234
  • symaccess -sid 1234 remove -login -wwn 1000000000000001 -dirport 12g:1

    Delete the wwn 1000000000000001 on port 6g:1 from the login history table of vmax 1234
  • symaccess -sid 1234 show MyInitiatorGroup -type initiator

    Shows the contents of initiator group MyInitiatorGroup Created on Array 1234
  • symaccess -sid 1234 show MyInitiatorGroup -type initiator -detail

    By including '-detail' option will shows the Flag settings like 'FCID Lockdown' ,'Consistent Lun'.. for each WWN number in the initiator group.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 show MyPortGroup -type port

    Shows the contents of port group MyPortGroup Createdon Array 1234
  • symaccess -sid 1234 show MyStorageGroup -type storage

    Shows the contents of storage group MyStorageGroup Created on Array 1234
  • symaccess -sid 1234 show view MyView

    Shows the contents of view MyView Created on Array 1234
  • symaccess -sid 1234 show view MyView -detail

    This command is the best option to see both parent and child initiator groups( cascaded initiator group) and associated devices for a masking view.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 show view Server_A_B_View -ig Server_B_IG

    Displays the content of view 'Server_A_B_View' with the WWN details of child-Initiator group 'Server_B_IG'.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 verify

    Verify the ACLX database in VMax 1234 is consistent.
  • symaccess -sid 1234 view -name Host1_Allocation rename -new_name Host2_Allocation

    Rename name of view Host1_Allocation as Host2_Allocation
  • symaccess -sid 1234 view -name Host1_Allocation rename -new_name Host2_Allocation

    Rename name of view Host1_Allocation as Host2_Allocation
  • symaccess list hba

    Shows the wwn of the local HBA and the devices assigned to those.

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